
Information on electric tricycles

Information on electric tricycles

Important information on our electric tricycles, our e-trikes provide electric assistance for when the going gets tough, such as steep inclines or on long distance rides.

Pedal assist

The electric assistance can be set on different levels of assist, from a very small assist to full power assist. The different levels are great for slowly building up fitness.

With 5 levels of assist it covers all levels of fitness, we also offer a throttle upgrade which enables acceleration without the use of pedals.

Rebuild fitness

The advantages of electric tricycles are numerous, you might be building fitness after a serious injury or health issue, in which case you are unable to cycle any distance, you can set the assist to help with the pedalling until you have rebuilt your fitness slowly.

Lightweight Battery

Scout electric tricycles are one of the lightest on the market, perhaps even the lightest.

Using a lightweight powerful battery which weighs only 2.3kg, it can easily be detached and transported indoors to charge easily using the charger provided.

Distance & Speed

Electric trikes can cover up to 40 miles using pedal assist, this should cover most cyclists trips there and back again!

The electric trikes are speed limited 25KM/h (15.5mph) to ensure they comply with the electric bike laws so that no insurance or registration is needed for road use, you are able to cycle them wherever you wish!

Balance, stop/start & carrying loads

With electric tricycles, you can simply stop + start for a rest without the need to balance, easily carry shopping or heavy loads with no problem at all.

So, with all this information on electric tricycles check out our range by clicking here!

One thought on “Information on electric tricycles

  1. Val Jackson says:

    I’m in my early eighties and longing to cycle again after hip surgery but nervous about getting back onto a two wheeler. How difficult is it to assemble one of your trikes? Thank you.

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