
Benefits of Electric Tricycles (E-trike)

Benefits of an E-trike

As per Deloitte’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2020 report, e-trike usage in cities will double by 2022. In yet another significant publication issued last month, cycling has been highlighted as a technological panacea for many urban ills. 


Bicycle or bikes as they are called in some parts of the world have been around for over 200 years. Over the years, the bicycle has seen numerous innovations, beginning with the safety bike in 1885 to power meters and now the ‘e-bike.’ Well, for those who think that the e-bike is a recent phenomenon, it must be mentioned that it is certainly not. The first patent for an electrically-powered bicycle dates back to 1895, which sadly did not become the talk-of-the-town. Even in the present century, e-bikes have not yet been as popular. In the United States, sales of e-bikes represented less than a percent of all annual bicycle sales (standard and electric). In all of Europe, 1.8 million e-bikes were sold in 2013, while that in the US was 1,85,000 and 4,40,000 in Japan. However, a notable exception to this was China, where 37 million e-bikes were manufactured and 32 million sold in the same year. 

Beginning in 2020, the scenario is set to change. Owing to changes in lithium-ion battery technology, pricing, and power, the e-bike market is starting to draw attention. In the report, between 2020 and 2023, over 130 million e-bikes are expected to be sold. The report states that by 2023, the total number of e-bikes in circulation the world over is expected to reach 300 million. It translates into a 50% increase of over 200 million reported in 2019. The 300 million e-bikes will include both privately owned e-bikes and those available to share. 

The story of e-bikes in the Netherlands is already a case in point. As per figures released by Dutch industry organizations RAI Association and BOVAG, over a million bicycles were sold in 2018. The sales yielded revenues of €1.22 billion, out of which €823 million were from e-bike sales. Interestingly, the heyday of e-bikes in the Netherlands was predicted about a decade ago.

So what exactly is the draw here? Let us look at some of the benefits of e-trikes. 

  • The most crucial benefit of an e-bike is that it helps immensely with commuting. Besides cutting down on the travel time, you are sure to arrive at work refreshed and relaxed.
  • Parking is not a problem with an e-bike. Neither do you have to pay for expensive parking! 
  • You are freed from the daily waiting in traffic. It, in turn, reduces stress and exposure to polluted air. 
  • At times, an e-bike can beat the speed of public transportation. 
  • Your commute doubles up as a workout regime too. So, you need not be hassled about taking time out separately for your exercise regime. 
  • The modern e-bike helps switch between manual pedaling and the electric motor. You can attain your fitness goals by pedaling manually and then switching to the electric motor when tired. 
  • A study has revealed that cycling helps control blood sugar. 
  • Biking improves coordination. It keeps your mind sharp, which in turn impacts all areas of life, such as your social interactions, and helps improve your physical ability. 
  • It is primarily known to boost mental health. Taking up cycling to make changes to your otherwise sedentary lifestyle, helps build confidence and thus fosters a positive outlook towards life. 
  • You will be spending considerable time outdoors. 
  • As the commute becomes less stressful, you will be more relaxed, and this will enable you to begin your day on a positive and healthy note. 
  • The comfort of the electric motor will encourage you to take longer and more daring bicycle trips without the botheration and fear of having to pedal back. 
  • Your car/automobile will have less wear and tear as you will be driving it less owing to the preference for cycling
  • You will be looking forward to exploring hitherto unknown areas of interest in your city or making regular trips to the countryside. 
  • E-bikes make running errands quicker and easier. 
  • The boosting technology in some e-bikes can assist you in riding steeper inclines. This way, you can negotiate tough terrains in hills and steep slopes in cities.
  • You will save considerably on gas
  • Your average commute per day will cost only around 50 pence. It translates into £10-£20 in a month. 
Environmental benefits of an e-bike

· E-bikes emit lower pollution per km than standard vehicles. E-bikes use energy at an average rate of 100 to 150 watts compared to 15,000 or so for a car. It helps improve air quality. This way, you can do your bit for the environment, batteries can be disposed of safely by contacting a local waste removal company.

  • You will most certainly look forward to bike ride on an e-bike owing to the ease that it offers of not having to pedal manually.
  • As per a Dutch study, individuals commuted 50% further with e-bike than the conventional bike. 
  • A Norwegian study in 2017 revealed that e-bikers were physically active 95% of riding time. 
  • It’s easy to pick up the skill to ride again. The electric motor makes for a smooth ride in challenging moments during the ride. 
  • With little effort you and spending very less on gas, you can cover long distances.
  • In some countries, e-bikes are still considered a bicycle by law. So if you do not wish to go through the cumbersome process of registration and insurance of your vehicle, an e-bike is a good option. 
  • Cycling is a fun way to workout. The most pertinent reason why most people are more likely to incorporate cycling as a form of physical activity. 
  • Cycling using e-bikes is particularly beneficial for the aged and those returning to cycling after injury or surgery. E-bikes allow more people to take up or continue to cycle into much later life. It is a massive plus in improving health into old age. Besides, it helps one recover from injury and severe to minor health issues. 

It is here where e-trikes score additional brownie points!

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