
Cycling In Cold Weather

Staying Safe While Cycling In Cold Weather

With the cold winters around the corner, cycling In cold weather can be a daunting idea for both your mind and body. Even if you happen to be an experienced cyclist who has braved the cold winter months earlier, you may face many challenges unless you are well prepared.  

Riding through the snow and icy paths comes with a fair amount of risks! Hence most individuals avoid going outdoors and safely store their bikes in the garage. Well, you don’t have to do that anymore. Here we have some cool ways for you to enjoy a safe and fun cycling experience even during the harsh winter conditions so you can avoid ending up like this!      

Winter Clothing To Stay Warm While Cycling In Cold Weather

Choosing the perfect winter gear can be a challenging task. Over-dressing may result in overheating, which can be quite uncomfortable for you to enjoy a relaxing biking experience. 

Here are ways to stay warm with the right winter clothing.

  • Layering up: 

To stay warm, you need to wear the right amount of clothing. For this, you will need:

– Base layer to absorb the moisture content from your body.

– Middle layer to maintain your body heat.

– Outermost layer to block the cold winter blasts. 

  • Head coverings:

It would be best if you opted for a windproof Skullcap along with a winter helmet – in case of cold or rainy conditions. When the visibility becomes poor during extreme weather conditions, most cyclists cover their helmets with reflective tape.

  • Use Winter gloves:

Protect your hands by using winter cycling gloves that will keep you warm enough. For extra warmth, you can opt for additional layers that you can remove when needed. Using glove liners also offers extra insulation to your hands.     

Cycling gloves
  • Using shoe covers:

You may find it hard to fit your feet inside the shoes if you layer up with too many socks. To avoid this, opt for a quality shoe cover that acts as a wind stopper and has waterproof properties. If the temperature outside is extremely low, wear two shoe cover pairs. 

Tips to Follow While Biking Through The Chilly Blasts

Riding your bike through the winter has its own challenges. Here are some easy ways to stay safe while cycling, even during the prevailing extreme weather conditions

  • Choose the right tyres:

Since the roads are icy and wet, it’s advisable to decrease the tire pressure. This will help in giving a better contact patch with the ground below. Wider tires generally have better contact with the ground and offer a more fantastic grip. Hence, it’s advisable to opt for rubber tyres with better girth and hard-wearing. 

winter tyres

Ensure better puncture protection for your tires – as fixing a punctured tire in the cold when your fingers are numb can be quite a daunting task. Even if you have to opt for branded tires, this investment will last you for a couple of years.

  • Avoid The Black Ice:

Snow is usually easier to spot and will not cause many issues like the black ice. Black ice usually is hard to figure out in advance. The worst part is once you are on top of the black ice, it’s quite hard to stay in position. 

Stay away from places where water tends to accumulate and get frozen – areas like drains, under bridges, gutters, puddle edges, and so on. Stick to paths that cyclists use more often, as the traffic would have melted the ice. 

  • Opt for a winter-safe route:

Treading into unknown paths and unused roads results in unnecessary risks while cycling during the cold season. It’s advisable to look into a map and plan ahead on where you’re planning to go – to avoid facing dangerous hazards like ice flooring or thin ice. 

The best option would be to opt for trails you are familiar with to avoid facing risky weather conditions that are prevalent elsewhere. Planning to go for an adventure during these harsh conditions is not a good idea – as you may encounter flood debris and alluvial flows, which can puncture your bike. By choosing the well-known and familiar route, you can stop and seek shelter in cafés if need arises and head home once the weather conditions become better. 

  • Have your fill:

Eating well before going out for a ride is very important – especially during the cold winter season. Even under normal weather conditions, your body tends to burn energy for 80 – 90 minutes and you may start feeling running out of energy, making you feel tired. When it comes to winters, your body needs to generate extra body heat to maintain the body temperature and withstand the cold. 

As the rate of metabolism and energy consumption increases, if you run out of energy during the winters – it can cause fatal health hazards. Packing up adequate food with you to have your fill between intervals will enable you to have a safe and fun journey. It’s also essential to drink an adequate amount of liquids to remain hydrated. Even if you may not be sweating profusely or losing moisture, fluid loss occurs while cycling at any temperature.           

Who wouldn’t love a cup of hot chocolate or warm latte to stay energized throughout the ride? It’s advisable to go for hot drinks during extremely cold weather conditions to keep warm and avoid cooling off too quickly.

  • Look out for the weather conditions:

Before you hit the trails, it’s advisable to check the weather forecast to avoid unforeseen circumstances. Irrespective of how experienced you are, if the visibility decreases, you may not get a proper grip, which can be dangerous. In extreme weather conditions, make sure to control your speed – especially while going over hilly or twisty areas. You may encounter heavy rainfall in case of chilly blasts, and the paths may be filled with silt, gravel, and mud. Never expect to have the same grip as going on a smooth road in these areas! Hence, ride with caution and reduce your pace. 

  • Remain relaxed while riding:

If you feel extremely cold or uncomfortable, it’s natural to become quite nervous while riding through the snowy surface. This, in turn, can influence the way you hold onto the bars. Relax and loosen your fingers, as it will release the tension and enable you to have better control of the front tires.

By remaining calm, it helps to release the tension and allows you to control your body weight much effectively. Sit in a natural position, relax your shoulders, and maintain your weight onto the rear wheel. Make sure to limit unnecessary moments and pedal smoothly while cycling through icy paths. 

Safety Measures You Need To Follow While Cycling In Cold Weather

Here are some safety pointers you need to keep in mind while biking during the cold winter months.

  • Fit adequate lights:

As the temperatures dip, then daylight becomes very less. It’s essential to fix bright lights both at the front and rear end of your bike to enhance visibility while on the road. If you spend more time on the road, it’s advisable to place a rechargeable bike light at the front handlebar. 

rear brake light
  • Opt for high-visibility clothing:

Wearing high visibility clothing will allow you to stand out in case of heavy rain, snow, or fog. By using these garments, you will be able to increase your visibility as it reflects the light back to the source effectively.           

  • Always be prepared for emergencies: 

Even if you are well prepared and have done detailed research on the weather forecast, weather conditions are unpredictable. It would be best if you were ready for the worst circumstances at all times. 

Final Thoughts To stay safe while cycling during the harsh winters, it’s advisable to take a sensible route, have adequate supplies, enough clothing, a fully charged phone, and sufficient money with you. Also, pay attention to all the tips mentioned here.

2 thoughts on “Cycling In Cold Weather

  1. Amy Williams says:

    Thank you. I managed in past years with Icebreaker thermals and waterproof cycling outerwear in addition to my usual kit. Black ice is a real risk in urban areas but the Danes seem to cycle year round. Any one know how?

  2. Bike Shepherd says:

    Great tips! Thanks for your sharing. Winter is one of the most beautiful times of the year to ride, but it can also be very uncomfortable. When I go out I usually start with a light foundation to help absorb perspiration. Layer over shirts, shorts, leg warmers, and arm warmers if it’s particularly cold. I recommend a thermal jacket or winter cycling jacket as a top priority. Besides that we should be aware of riding speed and cold wind. And even though it’s cold, I think we should always bring water.

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